The right thing to do

Thanks to your choice of many African children will have more opportunities for a better future.

Choose which project to join, select the supporting frequency (distance adoptions) and will be saved in your solidarity cart  so as to be able to proceed to the donation and the choice of payment method (Paypal including credit card or bank transfer).

Payment via Pay pal
Receive by mail within a few hours the picture of the child with the updated story. Full documentation (card, photo, semi-annual report and further information on the distance support) will then also be sent in hard copy to the address indicated in the process of payment.

Bank transfer
The documentation with the child card and its photos will be sent by priority mail. Upon receipt of the documentation, you can proceed to the payment of the amount for adoption following the instructions in the accompanying letter.

Distance adoption


It takes 80 cents a day
Support a child costs 80 cents a day; upon accession to the distance support program is sent a lower card containing his personal story and a photograph. Every December, will be sent a new photograph of the child and a letter from the manager of the center where the child is set to update on the condition of the child support, the progress achieved, on his mental and physical development and learning school.

Proceed pointing to the Support frequency (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually), and the number of children to support and press the Buy key.

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


Monthly, Quartely, Semiannual, Annual